Teachers’ Guide for Social and Economic
Development of Iowa (1870-1940)


HOME, Social and Economic Development of Iowa (1870-1940)

Unit I: The Rise of Technology (1870 - 1896)

Theme Introduction: Industry
Lesson 1: Introduction to Iowa's Industrial Growth
Lesson 2: Introduction to Iowa's Lumber Industry
Lesson 3: Life in a Lumber Camp
Lesson 4: Early Lumber Rafting
Lesson 5: The Memories of a Raft Pilot
Lesson 6: The Lumber Market
Lesson 7: The Lumber Company
Lesson 8: Lumber Industry Overview

Theme Introduction: Agriculture
Lesson 9: The Iowa Agriculturist
Lesson 10: Current Agriculture

Theme Introduction: Transportation/Communication
Lesson 11: Growth of the Iowa Railroad Network

Theme Introduction: Women
Lesson 12: Introduction to the Homemaker of 1880 

Unit II: The Golden Age (1897 - 1918)

Theme Introduction: Agriculture
Lesson 13: Introduction to the Agricultural Journal, the Iowa Farmstead
Lesson 14: Agricultural Education
Lesson 15: Science and Technology
Lesson 16: Economic Prosperity
Lesson 17: Transportation and Communication
Lesson 18: Fun on the Farm

Theme Introduction: Industry and Cultural Minorities
Lesson 19: Introduction to Coal Mining in Iowa
Lesson 20: The Iowa Coal Camp
Lesson 21: The Iowa Coal Mine

Unit III: The Depression (1919 - 1940)

Theme Introduction: Industry and Agriculture
Lesson 22: Introduction to The Great Depression
Lesson 23: The Urban Depression
Lesson 24: The Rural Depression

Theme Introduction: Cultural Minorities and Women
Lesson 25: Interview Summaries
Lesson 26: Conducting an Interview

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Explorations in Iowa History Project
Malcolm Price Laboratory School
University Of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, Iowa
©COPYRIGHT 2003 University of Northern Iowa
Duplication for Instructional purposes only.
Credits: Logo and site design by ITS CET
Documents courtesy of the State Historical Society of Iowa