The Explorations in Iowa
History Project was the brainchild of Dr. Donald Scovel, former chairperson of the Social
Studies Department of Malcolm Price Laboratory School.
As an outreach arm of the College of Education and
the University of Northern Iowa the Explorations in Iowa
History Project was one of many Laboratory School projects that serve the schools of Iowa
and the nation through development of innovative curriculum materials.
In the early 1970s, Dr. Scovel received monies through a Federal Bicentennial Grant
Program to develop a collection of primary source materials focusing on Frontier Iowa
(1830-1870). In 1980, Dr. Lynn Nielsen received a grant from the National Endowment For The Humanities to extend
the project to the advancing social and economic development of Iowa characteristic of the
period 1870-1940.
With both periods of time, primary source materials were identified with the support from
staff at the State Historical
Society of Iowa and organized into instructional modules that included suggestions for
teachers and lesson plan ideas. For over twenty-five years these materials were sold to
schools for the cost of printing and production. Thanks to advancing technology, these
materials are now available online and may be downloaded and reproduced for instructional
and educational use.
Explorations in Iowa History Project
Malcolm Price Laboratory School
University Of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, Iowa
©COPYRIGHT 2003 University of Northern Iowa
Duplication for Instructional purposes only.
Credits: Logo and site design by ITS CET
Documents courtesy of the State Historical Society of Iowa |