VOL.  1                                     THE   IOWA   HOUSEWIFE                                      1880
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   In the afternoon when the baking is finished bath taking should begin.  Water should be warmed on the cookstove already hot from baking.  The large wooden tubs should be brought to the kitchen.  The youngest should bathe first.  When the children have bathed and are in bed the adults may take their bath.  If the water cools by the time the last ones are ready for the bath, the water may be warmed by keeping a tea kettle boiling on the stove.


   Place a vessel of lighted charcoal in the middle of the room, and throw on it two of three handfuls of juniper berries, shut the windows, the chimmey, and the door closed; twenty-four hours afterwards, the room may be opened, when it will be found that the sticky, unwholesome smell will be entirely gone.  The smoke of the juniper berry possesses this advantage, that should anything be left in the room, such as tapestry, etc., none if it will be spoiled.


  1. Attention to detail is very necessary.

  2. Sand or bath brick is excellent in cleaning wooden articles, floors,
    tables and the like.

  3. If skillets are very greasy, a little salt soda in the water will neutralize the grease, and so make them much easier to wash.

  4. A discolored brass kettle can be cleaned nicely by scouring it with a little vinegar and salt, and washing it well afterwards with hot water and soap.

  5. Steel or silver may tarnish in wooden cloths.  A chamois skin or tissue paper is very much better.

Do not work at all on this day, except what is actually necessary for comfort.  If you see a dusty corner, or a dim window pane, let it alone until the next day.  Some putting of things to rights there must be, some making of beds and cooking.  But there is no need of getting up especially elaborate dinners on this day, and, if Saturday afternoon has been employed as it should have been, your cooking will not occupy very much time.  There are people who will stuff a turkey and roast it, and cook three or four vegetables, and stew cranberry sauce for dinner, and yet will not make up a pan of biscuits for supper, because “it is wicked to work in flour on Sunday!”  This is only one of a dozen senseless ideas of the same kind.  The idea is not that any particular kind of work is in itself sinful on this day, but that it is the day set apart for Christian  worship, and you  and  your family  desire  to attend  church; and, if there were no higher principles  involved, all creatures need a rest one day in seven.

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Malcolm Price Laboratory School
University Of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, Iowa
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