From the Dubuque Weekly Times for the Year 1880

January 7

   The market is fairly active, all things considered, and indications point to an early revival of the usual run of business.  At nearly all the markets there is a better trade doing than a year a go, and from present appearances there will not be much old limber to sell when the new stock comes into market. Prices are firm and steady. Regarding work in the woods the Minneapolis Lumberman has this to say: “News from the Chippewa is to the effect that the roads are in a most excellent condition. Nearly twenty inches of snow has fallen, and the work is progressing as finely as could be wished. More logs have been banked up to January 1 than there had been any year since the business commenced, and the prospects for an exceedingly large cut are good. The teams and crews are being doubled up. News from all parts of the pine regions show an unusually favorable winter to the loggers, making it almost certain that a very large crop will be secured for 1880. The amount of logs which will be available, however, for sawing, will be less than in 1879, because there is no 400,000 feet of old logs to be got out of the Chippewa and Black rivers as during last season. The abundance of snow makes log driving reasonably sure for next spring, besides the swamps are all filled with water.  Men and teams are being added to the force in the woods as fast as they can be secured.
   Shipments last week were 54 cars; week previous 72 cars.

February 25

      The market shows increasing activity, and is quite as lively as dealers care for.  In fact they are not pushing trade at all.  Prices are steady and very firm, and for some time to come are likely to remain as they are.
   The mills are getting ready as fast as possible to start up at an early day.  The weather is spring-like, and the sloughs are likely to be open very soon.  All have plenty of logs to commence work on.
   Shipments last week were 145 cars; received, 28 cars; shipments the week previous 125 cars; same week last year 44 cars, and in 1878, 136 cars.

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Explorations in Iowa History Project
Malcolm Price Laboratory School
University Of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, Iowa
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