Tips to Stagecoach Travelers summarizes stagecoach services in frontier Iowa. This simulated travel guide contains stage schedules and fares. It advises passengers about the kinds of clothing to take on trips. It informs travelers about inns, hotels, and meals available at station stops. It warns passengers of some of the hazards in traveling through Iowa. This guide describes the jobs of the stage crews as well as the coaches used by Iowa lines. It also outlines the importance of mail contracts to a stage company. Stage line and hotel advertisements from frontier newspapers and directories are included in the guide. From these the reader can infer competition among stage companies and hotels for the passengers' trade. DEPARTURE TIMEThe stage schedules are printed in the leading newspapers. Study the schedules closely. Some stages run daily, with the exception of Sunday. Others leave only three days a week‑‑Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Some leave only once or twice a week to isolated parts of Iowa. Check the exact departure time when you buy your ticket. Many stage drivers like to leave early in the morning. Your coach may depart at 4 a.m. and certainly by 7 a.m. Drivers want to have as much daylight travel as possible. Night travel is unsafe. The night traveler is fortunate with a full moon on a clear night. However, most drivers avoid night trips. FARESStagecoach fares change from season to season. They vary from region to region. One stage line operating in a single area results in high fares. If two companies run coaches over the same road, then fares are reduced. The lowest fares average five cents a mile. The highest fares average ten cents a mile. Typical stage fares are given below:
STAGECOACH STATIONSStations are located every 10 to 15 miles along the stage routes. At each station the horses are changed. When the stage arrives, the tired horses are unhitched. Fresh ones, already harnessed, are hitched in their places. The change is made in one or two minutes. Meals are served at the stations. Many also have sleeping accommodations. Even a brief stop permits passengers to relax. You can get out of the stage and stretch. You will be able to drink fresh water. Each station stop has toilet facilities for both men and women. The station agent and his family enjoy meeting the passengers. In isolated spots, the stage is their only contact with the outside world. THE COACHThe new oval‑shaped Concord coaches are now in Western service. They weigh 2,500 pounds and cost $1,200‑$1,500. They are brightly painted. Olive green or vermillion red are the favorite colors. The panels are adorned with paintings of landscapes or noted historical characters. Nine passengers can be seated in them‑‑3 passengers to a seat. They are made of hardwood, iron, brass, and oxhide leather. They are suspended on heavy straps of leather. Some firms use the Troy coach and the Celerity wagon. The Troy coach is solidly built and carries nine passengers. The Celerity wagon is lighter in weight. While not as good for daytime travel as the Concord, the upholstered seats of the Celerity are well‑suited to nighttime travel. None of the coach styles, however, are suited to winter travel. There is no way to heat the stage. Heavy snow blocks their use for the months of January and February, if not December. CLOTHINGStage travelers are advised to wear old clothing. Wear something you do not mind getting dusty, muddy, or wrinkled. Ladies will want calico or gingham dresses. Jackets or coats will be needed early in the morning, even in the summer. Winter travel calls for warmer clothing. Men should wear clothes suited for work. They may have to help put on a wheel or pull the coach out of a mudhole. Ladies may wear a veil to keep out the dust. Men may want to use a bandanna over the nose. In cold weather use a hot soapstone to keep your feet warm. Wrap yourself in a robe or buffalo hide. Put your hands in a warm muff. For an extra fee, the stage line will supply the soapstone and the buffalo robe. Check with your stage line as to the amount of luggage you may take on board. It may vary from 25 to 60 pounds. If the stage has a heavy mail shipment, passengers may not take as much luggage.
The undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to the public generally that he has just erected and furnished one of the largest Hotel buildings on the upper Missouri, and that he is prepared to accommodate the traveling public in as good style as at any house west of St. Louis. Boarders can be accommodated with good rooms, or have board without lodging. No pains will be spared to render all comfortable who may stop at the "Farmer's Home," and reasonable charges may be expected. The Hotel is located on Douglas Street, near the Steamboat Landing. Good stabling furnished for teams. Sioux City, July 9, 1859 J. Borsch MEALSThe stage traveler will find many kinds of meals in crossing Iowa. Some of the cafes in Iowa's larger cities serve fine meals with exquisite cuisine. The patron will be served several courses including meat and game entrees, seasonal vegetables, salads, and delicious desserts. Usually fine wines are available. On the other hand, some of the stage stops serve coarser foods. The cooks never really know the exact time of stage arrival. They will precook the food. The traveler can count on beans, mutton, potatoes, soup and bread. Sometimes the cook will fast fry ham and eggs. Most meals cost 25 cents. The better restaurants will charge from 35 to 50 cents. The stagecoach passenger will find ample spirits. Restaurants, taverns, and inns sell beer, wine, and liquor. Of late some tavern owners have refused to serve liquor to children, even though they still will serve beer and wine. Boys have to wait until they are 15 years old to buy liquor at Iowa taverns. Each of the inns and taverns will have fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as pastries and candies to sell to coach passengers.
OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONSIowa's great cities and towns boast fine hotels, inns, and taverns. The stage driver will recommend a good place in the cities. Hotel rates include room and meals (supper and breakfast). Most hotels charge 50 cents a night. Des Moines, Burlington, Davenport, Dubuque, and Iowa City have fine hotels which charge $1.00 per night.
Smaller cities and towns may have only one inn or tavern. A night's lodging and two meals will cost 50 cents. Be prepared for unpleasant as well as pleasant places. Not all beds are clean and free from vermin. You may choose to sleep on the floor. You are not likely to find a private room. In rural areas you may have to sleep in one large room with other passengers, the innkeeper and his family. YOUR STAGE DRIVERThe large
stage companies, like Western Stage Company, or J.J. Frink Company employ
many workers. The stage drivers get the most attention. They have the most
exciting jobs. They are highly skilled men. The safety of the passengers
depends on their driving ability. The handling of six, even four, spirited
animals calls for great con The driver of your stage will try to make your trip enjoyable. Sometimes he asks a passenger to ride on the box with him. You will find most drivers to be very intelligent. They are great conversationalists. They are glad to recall their many exciting experiences. Most are young men, under 30 years of age. Young boys look on them as heroes. Townspeople will treat them to drinks at local taverns. They are well paid for their work‑‑some earn $100 a month. ROAD CONDITIONSMost stage routes in Iowa follow east‑west roads. Few routes go north and south. Iowa roads follow the ridges and bypass wet or swampy land. Early pioneers cut out the roads with their heavy wagons. In rainy seasons, the roads are soupy. It is very easy for a stage to get stuck in the mud. Most stages carry a fence rail. It is used to pry the wheels out of mudholes. If the stage is stuck, passengers will have to walk. Sometimes their luggage is dumped overboard. Then you will have to carry it to dry land. There you can re‑board the stage to continue your trip. MAIL CONTRACTSThe U.S. Post Office Department lets contracts with stage companies to carry the mail. Stage lines compete with each other for the mail routes. The mail contracts often set the schedules. Mail often means the difference between a profitable stage line and one that loses money. However, a heavy load of mail reduces the amount of luggage permitted to passengers. SPEEDStagecoaches offer a fast service to the modern traveler. Most stages average five miles an hour. The main stage lines average eight, with some reaching nine miles an hour. Compare this with the 20 miles a day travel for a wagon. The road conditions affect the speed of the coach. The Western Stage Company schedules a run between Iowa City and Des Moines (120 miles) in two days. The Frink Line makes a run between Keokuk and Des Moines (180 miles) in three days. However, in western Iowa, it takes three days to go between Crawford County,and Council Bluffs, a distance of 70 miles. TABLE OF DISTANCES FROM IOWA CITY
STAGE CREWSStagecoach transportation provides jobs to many workers across Iowa. As a traveler you will first meet the station agent. He will sell you your ticket. He will tell you how much luggage you can take on the coach. You may obtain the stage schedule from him. The agent will advise you as to good hotels, taverns, and restaurants in Iowa's larger cities. Stage lines hire horse tenders. These men hitch and unhitch the horses. They feed and water the horses. They take care of the animals. They are helped by livery boys who are responsible for cleaning the barns. The major companies employ their own blacksmiths and carpenters. The blacksmiths shoe the horses. They repair iron parts of the coach. Carpenters are used to fix wooden parts of the coach.
Sioux City, Jan. 29th, 1861 |
THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTFULLY call the attention of the traveling public and others, to the superior accommodations now provided at the above House. The large four story addition is now completed and thoroughly furnished with good new furniture, thus affording fiftynine additional rooms for the accommodation of guests. The Table will always be supplied with the very best that can be obtained in this‑market, and every thing about the House, will be arranged with a view to making guests comfortable and at home. Thankful for past favors so generously bestowed, the undersigned would assure the public, that by liberal prices, and a careful attention to the wants of his guests, to receive a continuance of public patronage.
Council Bluffs, June 20 |
LEAVES SIOUX CITY EVERY SUNDAY AND WEDNESDAY at 5 o'clock A.M. and arrives Fort Randall every Tuesday and Friday at 7 P.M.
Leaves Fort Randall EVERY SUNDAY and WEDNESDAY at 8 o'clock A.M., and arrives at Sioux City every Tuesday and Friday at 7 P.M.
Our facilities for the transportation of
Passengers and Express Freight
are excellent and we respectfully solicit the patronage of
the public.
Charges reasonable.
THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING LEASED the above well‑known HOTEL, takes this opportunity of presenting its claims to the traveling community. He has secured the most attentive and obliging HELP, and his TABLE will always be furnished with the very best the market affords. The most diligent attention will be given to insure the comfort, and to cater to the wants of all who may become guests. No pains or expense will be spared to make this a comfortable home for all who may either permanently or temporarily extend their patronage to it.
Charges moderate and regulated to suit the times.
There is attached to this Hotel, a commodious, well‑secured BRICK STABLE, with an attentive hostler at all times in waiting.
Council Bluffs, October 24
New Stage Line
HAVING TAKEN A CONTRACT from Messrs. J. B. & W. Bennett, to convey the U. S. Mail, from the Platte River, near La Platte to Dahkota, I am now prepared to carry passengers on this route.
Persons traveling through this region, will find this line a cheap and pleasant one. Running, as I do, in connection with the Messrs. Bennett, whose line extends from the Platte River via Nebraska City, regular and direct communication is thus opened from Minnesota to Kansas, through the fairest portion of Nebraska.
This is the nearest, cheapest and best route from Omaha and Council Bluffs to Dahkota and Sioux City.
The points embraced in this route are as follows, to wit:‑Omaha City, :via Bellevue to Platte River and , via Saratoga, Florenee, FL, Calhoun, `be Soto, Cuming City, Tekamah, Decater, Blackbird, Omadi to Dahkota.
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Oct1,1837 | U.S. Post Office Department authorized mail stage between Burlington and St. Francisville, Missouri. |
Jan 1, 1838
Three mail stage routes established between Burlington, Mount Pleasant, Davenport, and Macomb, Illinois. |
Feb 19, 1838
Dubuque residents petition U.S. Post Office Department for mail routes to Chicago, Milwaukee, and down the west bank of the Mississippi River. |
Dee 13, 1838
Iowa Territorial Legislature authorized a twice weekly mail stage between Dubuque and Davenport. H.C. Donaldson, Davenport, provided the service, but neither Congress or Legislature paid him for mail delivery. |
July 31, 1841 |
William Wilson, Fort Madison, lost his stage stables in a fire disaster with a loss estimated at $1500. |
Nov 1, 1841 |
Semi‑weekly stage service started between Burlington and Iowa City. |
July 1, 1849 |
First stagecoach arrived at Ft. Des Moines. |
Feb 1, 1850 |
Stage line between Dubuque and Delhi started. |
June 4, 1850 |
Frink, Walker & Co. carried mail to Ottumwa in four‑horse coach. |
May 1, 1851 |
Frink & Co. sent tri‑weekly coaches from Fort Des Moines to Council Bluffs and return. |
Nov 25, 1851 | Frink & Co. set stage line from Keokuk to Dubuque and Galena. |
Jan 25, 1852 |
Frink & Co. started mail route from Keokuk to Muscatine. |
March 1, 1852 |
Frink & Co. began twice weekly service between Ft. Des Moines and Iowa City. |
April 29, 1854 |
John Frink & Co. announced close of operations in Wisconsin, Missouri, and Iowa. |
May 26, 1854 |
Western Stage Co. agreed to buy stage properties of Frink & Co. |
July 24, 1854 |
Martin O. Walker's Stage Line reached Dubuque from St. Paul, Minnesota. |
Jan 1, 1855 |
Western Stage Co. opened line between Burlington and Mount Pleasant. |
March 9, 1855 |
Western Stage Co. begins service between Council Bluffs and Sioux City. |
Nov 6, 1857 |
Western Stage Co. moved State officials from Iowa City to new State Capital at Des Moines. |
Dee 15, 1857 |
Western Stage Co. completed moving State Government and officials to Des Moines. |
Sept 21, 1860 | Western Stage Co. began once a week route from Council Bluffs to Denver, Colorado. |
July 1, 1862 |
Western Stage Co. renewed tri‑weekly service between Cedar Falls and Ft. Dodge. |
March 9, 1868 |
Western Stage Co. abandoned service between Council Bluffs and Sioux City. |
June 30, 1870 | Western Stage Co. ceased operations in Iowa after 16 years. |
July 1, 1870 |
Caleb B. Lothrop operated stage line between nonrailroad towns: Pella, Indianola, Winterset, Afton, Clarinda. |
Explorations in Iowa History Project |